「CASBEE・スマートウェルネスオフィス認証」最高ランク Sランク
Highest “S” rank certified for CASBEE
(Comprehensive Assessment System for
Built Environment Efficiency) Smart Wellness Office
東京都省エネルギー性能評価書制度最高ランクA A A
Acquisition of the highest rating of “AAA” from the
Tokyo Metropolitan Government's Building Energy
Performance Certificate (EPC) program
環境性能評価「CASBEE・建築」最高ランク Sランク ※自主評価
Highest “S” rank evaluation for CASBEE building
「DBJ Green Building認証(プラン認証)」最高ランク Five Stars
Highest “Five Stars” rank from the
DBJ Green Building Certification
(initial plan certification)
Various measures taken for CO2 savings
Conservation effect of approximately 35%,
CO2 reduction of approximately 35%
Office areas (based on fiscal 2013)
PAL削減率約30% ERR約35%PAL reduction rate of approximately 30%
ERR approximately 35%
エネルギーの見える化リアルタイムで電力使用量のモニタリングができる 「エネルギー使用量監視システム」を導入し、入居テナントの省エネをサポートします。
Visualization of Energy UsageThe energy demand monitoring system provides real-time energy monitoring support.
This helps tenants to conserve energy.
Conceptual image of energy demand monitoring system